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Pedar Bloom

Okay, this was a really busy day, so it is a good thing that there are only 6 things to celebrate. Six is still too many things to celebrate in one day, but it is at least manageable. And, then again, you may not wish to celebrate some of these today at all.

Day of The Dude: This sounds like an excuse for a holiday during spring break. I don't know that this celebration is even needed during March because there has already been World Wild Life Day--just a few days ago.

Nametag Day: Oye! Nametags are helpful and all that. But, good enough to rate their own day? It seems that if I am going to devote some of my time to celebration, since this comes at a great personal cost to me, there ought to be a compelling reason. I don't know if item 24 in the stationary catalogue quite rises to that standard. Especially when measured by something like,...

Oreo Cookie Day: Woo Hoo!!! Got Milk? I don't need to tell you how to celebrate this one! See, that is what a celebration day needs. Instant recognition of the celebration by virtue of what it is. Hoorah Oreo!!!

World Book Day: We had Worldbooks when I was a kid. I liked the pictures. That's what they used to do,...hook you on Worldbooks, then switch you over to Time/Life books in Highschool, and finally to coffee table books when you are grown up. Celebrate by having a cup of coffee and holding a book. Try to look studious. But, it is still better than a trip to the Dentist, even on,...

Dentist's Day : Hey, don't knock 'em. Just imagine how things would be without them. They have a tough job in which they receive little appreciation and thanks. They may not make you smile, but they make your smile look nicer. Celebrate by smiling.

How would you like to have a job whose main function places incredible pain and suffering on the very people you are supposed to serve, where the very people who most need to trust you fear you instead, a job which makes people want to avoid you and dread the very mention of your name? Huh? No, I'm not talking about being a politician. But that was a good guess. No, we aren't talking about Dentists anymore. What made you think that? I was talking about Math Teachers. Because today is also,...

Sofia Kovalevskaya Math Day: Celebrate by teaching someone a thing or two!

National Frozen Food Day : You can celebrate this if you want. It is on some lists as being earlier in the month, but this is a holiday that can be safely stored in your freezer, which makes it conveniently movable! One of the benefits of a holiday such as this is that you can take it out and thaw it anytime you need a holiday. You can make every day a Frozen Food Holiday! Ronald Reagan gave us this one. A good way to celebrate it might be to have some frozen foods that are rich in MSG, sugar, salt, water, flavoring and red dye number three. Don't forget to take your vitamins to replace all the essential nutrients removed during processing, and be careful not to consume the artificial estrogens in the plastic packaging that may have leached into the food during processing, shipping and storage. The surgeon general has not evaluated this holiday to determine what the heck it means. Available now in your freezer section.