Zaney Days March On

Well, four days of celebration down, and 27 days just chocked full of more celebrations to come as we talk our way through the nutty number of different celebrations people have come up with to mark the passing of time and the important, or trivial, events of life.

We are entering the Lenten season tomorrow, and whether you participate in it or not, it seems to have had a significant impact on the western world. Lent is a time of dealing with sins and shortcomings, and focusing more attention on knowing God in preparation for the passion of the Christ, his cross and his resurrection.

Since it is celebrated in so many ways in so many cultures it has left some interesting customs.

First, shrove customs. Shrove or shrive has to do with confessing one's sins, receiving an action to perform to show penitence, and the receiving absolution for one's sins. Then, celebrate! With food.

The Polish have pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, or--Paczki Day! I guess a paczki is a pancake, my Polish friends can straighten me out on that if I am wrong.

Is it a coincidence that it is Pancake Day in America? Not to be left out of it IHOP calls it National Pancake Day. I think it is a different way to say the same thing with somewhat stronger marketing overtones, and not a different pancake holiday celebrated on the same day. But, it is also National Poundcake Day. I don't know if that comes from misspelling, jealousy, or additional competition and marketing.

In Germany they parade on Fasching Day. Same thing as Shrove Tuesday with a march. March in March? Why not?

Shrovetide is the period usually of three days immediately preceding Ash Wednesday. In The Royal Shrovetide Football Match, considered the worlds oldest form of football, the celebration includes a one or two day football match between the people who live on the north side of town and the south side of town in Ashbourne, UK. Not teams representing the good folks, but the good folks themselves, all who are willing. The periods of the game can be up to 8 hours long. The goals are eight miles apart. No limit to team size. Why doesn't the NFL know about this?

The Spanish and Hispanic cultures celebrate Shrove Tuesday as Mardi Gras. That is, Fat Tuesday. To prepare for the fasting and somber mood of Lent they try to eat the last of the fun food and have the last of the fun times today. Yesterday was World Wild Life Day, but Mardi Gras will do as a replacement today in case you missed it.

Holy Experiment Day! It feels like you should say 'Batman' after that. It means try something spiritually new. So, If you have never done it before, have a pancake and say a prayer for world peace. Or, something else.

Not sure where to put this next one.

Courageous Follower Day! Hey you! Get back in line. Do you get this? I see this attitude more and more--part of the Mundane Movement, and that does make me scratch my head. We used to hold up the ideal of learning to stand alone and stand for something. Does it actually take courage to be a follower? Isn't that actually the problem with so many followers is that they just go along with things? I think today we have too many fearful leaders and to few people who can stand up for themselves. I suppose if you follow Jesus Christ who guarantees persecution to his followers that would actually take some courage. I don't think that is the intention here. So, decide what it means to you, and then lead, follow or get out of the way!

Town Meeting Day Vermont. Here!

Benjamin Harrison Day! He was 23rd President of the United States. He fought in the "war to free the slaves," as a general. His administration did a lot of good things he is remembered for, but google him. Worth it. He was a leader.

Old Inauguration Day! Up until 1933. It was Benjamin Harrison's Inauguration Day. But seriously, does anyone still celebrate this? If I had a saloon I would have an Old Inauguration Day celebration as an excuse to sell more drinks, but if we changed to a different Inauguration Day, please, let this one go. We still have seven things to celebrate today that we didn't even touch yet.

Next set is interesting and I feel the urge to say, "nice grouping."

Hug a GI Day!
Toy Soldier Day!
Peace Corp Day!

All on the same day? These three are a really interesting juxtaposition. It kind of seems chilling on the same handbill as Courageous Followers Day, I mean, the soldiers actually are the courageous followers. This grouping seems to fit in with the mundane philosophy, but almost trivializes soldiering. These three should be separated and done on different days. Not that the Peace corps is trivial. They are laudable. They are not military.

Second Tuesday of the month, so this is also a voting day in some places for primaries and referendums. Lets vote. All in favor of moving these celebrations to different dates raise your right hand. No, I mean your other right hand. That's good. All Opposed? Okay then, It's settled. Move these three to different dates. Form a committee and we'll check your progress next year.

March Forth-Do Something Day: Too cute. Get the pun? March forth on March Fourth. LOL. The Germans beat you too it with their Fasching Day.

International Scrapbooking Industry Day! I'm speechless. A picture is worth a thousand words.

National Grammar Day: Ya'hey! One time 'dere, Stanho; bend it, buddy! Get me? I'm sure up fer 'dis.

Unique Names Day! It is what you can celebrate when you write out an explanation of all the March celebration days and hear the things they call you if they don't like what you say.