March, March, March,…

And the crazy days of March just keep rolling along. The thing I don't get is the frequent grouping of similar or overlapping days.

Picking a special day to celebrate shouldn't be like throwing a dart at a board, or like having your child throw a dart at a board. It ought to be with purpose, appropriateness, and above all, rspectfulness.

I suppose there must be the exception, but must the exception become the rule? There are certainly days I do not wish to celebrate in the spirit of the name of the event, like,...

Be Nasty Day! I will actually try not to celebrate this one, except possibly in my wonder over the actual need for,...

International Fanny Pack Day! To celebrate, strap one on and strut down the road like you own it. Why is this a celebration? It doesn't quite seem to be on par with the next group. With which I have no problem, except for the obvious conflict of having them all on the same day. Why not space them out?

International Women's Day!

Day for Women's Rights & International Peace!

International Working Women's Day!

I think it creates some confusion to have all of these on the same day; a little competition as well. Either you have to try and celebrate them all or pick one and not honor the others. You could have one big celebration and celebrate many facets of each or just the points in common intersection, but why not space them out a bit?

Girls Write Now Day! This is actually good placement coming on the same day as,...

National Proofreading Day! At least, even if serendipitous, it looks planned.

Genealogy Day! Okay, I'll buy into this one. As long as I don't have to either join or hate anyone else's religion, pay dues to a club or new website, and as long as being a part of it doesn't offend anybody or trip over the EEO guidelines.

National Peanut Cluster Day! Any celebration with a confectionary element is hard to run against.

St John of God Day! He was devoted to serving the poor, founded a hospital, and the knightly order of the Hospitallers.

Saint Senan Day! a Bishop and one of the "Twelve Apostles of Ireland". He founded a monastery and was regarded as learned.

Saints John of God and Senan, pray for us.