Marching through March

Today is the birthday of the Girl Scout organization. It is even GS Month! Happy Birthday, Girls!

Outside of that, there isn't a lot going on.

Looking ahead on all the websites I can find that spot-light holidays, there seems to be no end to the craziness of it in the days ahead. A steady parade of days constantly marching through March. But, I have had enough, so if you want to know what to celebrate on your own there are tons of websites you could go to and find out what this current: month, week, and day is being celebrated for. Just google 'holidays' and get ready! It'll take you all day.

I think I will shift tactics and spot-light some holidays that don't even exist yet. This is like having the kids throw darts at the dartboard and seeing what you come up with. We'll start out celebrating,...

Affordable Care Act Rejoicing Day! This one does not exist; I checked. Surprised? First, ACA will have to work, then it will have to be a good deal--affordable, and then people will have to like it enough to celebrate it. You may have to wait a while to celebrate this one.

March Moon Festival! I thought I'd just make one up, but there are actually a bunch of these the all over the world. Part of it is the alliteration. Just too tempting. I bet there are also moon festivals in May. This festival suffers from a derth of publicity, and also from being in the wrong time of the year weather-wise. But, there are lots of March moon festivals. I struck out here. The celebration actually does exist. But, go celebrate this one anyway and have a good time, it's okay.

Check Your Tires Wednesday! This one certainly does not exist. There are, however, endless Tire Tuesday celebrations. I think that is because of the marketing departments who so love alliteration. I should have guessed that. But, there is no reason you can't celebrate this same thing on Wednesday. Especially if you missed checking your tires on the last Tire Tuesday celebration. Tire Tuesday seems to be celebrated all over the world, and on many different Tuesdays as well. Kind of a perpetual celebration of PSI!

Melvin Day! Again, I am thwarted in my attempt to invent a bogus day. There are Melvin Days all over the world. There are both people by that name and celebrations by that name. The celebrations by that name are usually in celebration of people by that name. I never would have guessed at so many famous Melvins.

Just goes to show, we have celebrations that we haven't even heard of. I tried to come up with two more bogus celebration days, first I tried Jughead Day, and then Knucklehead Day. I thought Knucklehead Day would go nicely with ACA Rejoicing Day, but both Jughead Day and Knucklehead day are already taken. So, happy Jughead Day and Happy Knucklehead day in advance for the next time they come up on the calendar.

One last try, Burned Toast Day! And,... we have a winner! There is no Burned Toast Day! As a bogus celebration day this has traction! It has all the traction of Tire Tuesday and can be celebrated just as often! So, burn some toast and have a big 'ol time!

Also, try inventing your own celebration day. Let me know how it works out.