March in Place

Today is the first anniversary of the reign of Pope Francis. Congratulations! Great first year.

Continuing my investigation into holidays I threw a bunch of made-up holidays at the wall to see what would stick. First I tried,...

Just Another Made-Up Holi-Day! First Hit! It is already taken! it is the same as Sweetest Day, and in part a retaliation to Sweetest Day alleging that Sweetest day is a day thought up in the marketing department of greeting card companies to fill an empty spot on the calendar. Have something sweet.

Then I tried,...

Slap Your Self in the Face Day! Too late!!! The search yields three results:

Slap Your Face Day!
National Slap Your Husband in the Face Day! (same day as super-bowl Sunday,... hmmm). And who can forget the ever popular,...
Slap Your Face Twice-a Day!

Do we really need to celebrate that? Decide on your own how to celebrate that. What is a totally weird, like 'there couldn't possibly be one those' kind of things to celebrate? Maybe I'll try for,...

National Brussels Sprouts Day! Got one! Only to be exceeded by the equally mundane,...

Eat Brussels Sprouts Day! Fortunately for me I will be on vacation on both of those days and unable to attend.

Alligator Day! Celebrated in Louisiana and other parts of the south, like Kentucky. Didn't know that, but it also exists in one form or another as,...
Gator Day. There are maybe 40 or 50 of these, I didn't feel like counting them all up. Some are associated with football teams, but many are not. I should have probably guessed that.

I will try a couple more attempts at fake-holiday creation.

Roll Top Desk Day! No! How did they miss this one! Roll top desks are still made, so just wait until the marketing department hears about this! We are sure to have a Roll Top Desk Day soon. Maybe in autumn during the crazy back to school rush. You can sell anything that has to do with desks, papers and pencils at that time of year.

How about celebrating a good old fashioned,...

Control-Alt-Del Day! Nope! it doesn't exist! Can you believe it? (I allow for the possibility that it could have been either deleted or is still in reboot, or that it may be a running process, or that it may have stopped running and an error report is even now being generated. Any work done on that holiday is, of course, lost if you didn't back it up).

To celebrate this one you should hold something down and press something else while clicking your heels together and saying, 'there's no place like the internet, there's no place like the internet'. It will be a short celebration followed by a blue screen.

I guess that means I invented those holidays. As the inventor of these days I am going to raffle them off in a silent auction. Send your sealed bids along with your best bribes to the address above, or below, it really doesn't matter, and I'll use them to go on a cruise and think up other fake holidays to raffle away when I get back.