the adventure continues

Been trying to add ProductXYZ (name withheld to protect the innocent. That would be me), as my email management. The program looks pretty good, but the documentation is a little thin. If you are used to instructions that explain what to do, it is really kinda' thin. Actually, there really isn't any for sub-pro level users. I was just trying to be kind.

On their site if you search for "install" you will get a list of installation remarks.

The second remark gives a link to "installation instructions."

That gives set of links to yet other instructions. Think you are home yet. No such luck. There, you can find, by trial and error, a link that gives you guess what? Wait for it,.... ready? Another link! And that gives you LINKS!!!! But, those links are to actual documentation. (whew)!

Since it is kind of a goal to have a user actually take one's product and use it, you might expect an easier time getting the information that tells you how to do that. But, they are getting 1500+ downloads a week, so they must know what they are doing.

Perhaps, since it is not an easy install, they are just trying to keep out the riffraff. Any way, I finally got the docs.

Back in the college days I had a job writing software documentation. The way it worked is this: the programmers would dish out the program with handwritten notes that could sometimes be read and were often even in English. I would take the notes and follow them as closely as I could to see if those instructions actually produced the stated results.

I distinctly recall occasions on which the programmers notes did work just as they were supposed to. The number of times when they resulted in something completely different or in nothing at all was what gave me employment. My task was simple to state: find out what actually does work and write documentation that shows how to do that.

Ah,... the way these instructions bring me right back to the college days,... but back to this post. I think I could do this. It doesn't look like an impossible install. You probably don't need an MS in CS, or a BS in IT, but you do probably need to have spent enough time in mid-level programming to be comfortable doing this or IT becomes b.s.

ProductXYZ does look like an excellent program and as though it is worth the effort to get it installed and set up right. So, the plan going forward is to start working on a set of documentation for ProductXYZ that will work for me, and in the meantime go with an el cheapo program that already has EZ doc setup, and needs no additional b.s.